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Radke, Shane Dennis, University of Toronto (Canada)
Radloff, Bernhard
Raimondi, Fabio
Rajan, Sudhir Chella, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India)
Rajbar, Simon, Cardiff University
Ramírez, Martín Agudelo
Ratekin, Tom
Ravindran, Gopalan
Raybone, Samuel
Rayman, Joshua, University of South Florida (United States)
Rayment, Andrew
Rösing, Lilian Munk
Redhead, Steve
Reeser, Douglas
Reitan, Ruth Halaj
René, Fernández-Montt
Renfro, Evan, University of Northern Iowa (United States)
Revie, Linda
Reyburn, Duncan
Reyes, Alexander, Universidad del Valle Universidad de Antioquia Unidad Central del Valle (Colombia)
Ripalda, José María
Rivas, Virgilio Aquino, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)
Robertson, Brian
Rodrigues, Laurie
Rodrigues, Renato Paes (Brazil)
Roggerone, Santiago M.
Roldán Ruiz, Selene, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Mexico)
Romo, Daniel Franco
Rose, Marika
Rousselle, Duane
Routhier, Élisabeth
Ruehl, Robert
Ryder, Andrew