Is Titanic a Pro-capitalist Movie?

Prasanna P


Slovenian political philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek, in the documentary The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology (2012), examines various films and their ideas. Among the movies, he discusses the film Titanic (1997). His overall arguments about the movie move toward the opinion that Titanic is a capitalist movie. Hence, in this article, I have converted his statement into my research question, and I enquire whether Titanic is a capitalistic movie or not. If capitalistic, what kind of capitalistic elements that the film shows? And how far is the movie capitalistic in nature? If not capitalistic, what elements or ideologies does the film show? (or) Is Žižek wrong about the movie? With the help of these research questions, I analyse the movie in this article to find out whether the film Titanic is a pro-capitalist movie or not. 


Slavoj Žižek; James Cameron; Titanic ship; capitalism; class struggle; class differences

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