Žižek, Antagonism and Politics Now: Three Recent Controversies
This article focuses on three recent controversies in which Žižek has been embroiled and for which he has taken positions that rest on the notion of antagonism. His views on Eurocentrism, the European refugee crisis and trans politics have been the subject of notable disapproval, if not denunciation. Critics reproach him for being Eurocentric, racist and transphobic, charges which he has repeatedly countered. The article will examine the differing theoretical and political positions in these debates, underlining what Žižek’s critics miss or misunderstand about his notion of antagonism. While I side firmly with Žižek on the substance of these issues, I nonetheless consider the extent to which at least part of the disagreement here centres on the performative rather than the strictly “theoretical”: Might his critics be reacting to his overexposure (his writing, speaking, responding so often and so much)? Could such overexposure be interpreted as an attempt at having the last word (ie mastery)? And to what extent does the antagonistic form of Žižek’s interventions (polemics, generalizations) militate against their theoretical content?
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