Without Optimism: Sex, Žižek, and Apocalyptic Queerness

Stephen Felder


There are clear parallels between  Žižek's concept of apocalyptic experience without teleology, and Berlant and Edelman's "sex without optimism." Both readings point to a negativity at the heart of human experience and the need to reliquish all our teleological aspirations. The apocalpytic experience should be taken in its original sense, as a "revelation," but a revelation of the incoherence of the social order and its demands on the (barred) Subject. This non-telelogical experience can be illustrated by contrasting the works of Homer with Virgil's Aeneid. In the Homeric world the incoherence of the social order, represented by the incoherent and conflicting demands of the gods is in sharp contrast to the teleological order displayed in The Aeneid.


Critical Theory, Žižek, Lacan, Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Berlant, Edelman

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Badiou, A. (1998) Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil. New York: Verso.

Berlant, L. and Edelman, L. (2014) Sex, Or the Unbearable, Durham and London: Duke University Press.

Fiennes, Sophie, director (2012) The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology. Doc Club

Homer (2015) The Iliad, Trans. Barry Powell, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Homer (2015) The Odyssey, Trans. Barry Powell, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lacan, J. (2007) The Other Side of Psychoanalysis. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XVII, edit., Jacques-Alain Miller. trans. Russell Griggs, New York: Norton.

Virgil (2005) The Aeneid. Trans. By Stanley Lombardo, Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett.

Žižek, S. (2014) Absolute Recoil: Towards a New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism, London and New York: Verso.

Žižek, S. (2014) Trouble in Paradise: From the End of History to the End of Capitalism, Brooklyn and London: Melville House.


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