(Žižek’s) Lacan as Political Historian: Reevaluating Aspects of the ‘Chilean Miracle’ through a Psychoanalytic Lens

Stuart Bennett


The use of Lacanian psychoanalysis in political study has expanded in recent years, however, existing scholarly work focuses on contemporary political issues. Little attempt has been made to apply elements of Lacan’s psychoanalytic theories to moments in political history. This paper is the first to address this. As the popularisation of Lacan in this discipline has largely emerged on the back of the work of Slavoj Žižek, this paper utilises Lacanian theory as interpreted by Žižek. This study selects three aspects of the so-called ‘Chilean Miracle’ and applies elements of Lacanian theory to them to provide fresh insights and understandings. These are: the 1973 coup that replaced Salvador Allende with General Augusto Pinochet as head of state, which is reimagined through Lacan’s ‘Symbolic’; the transition to democracy of 1988-1990, which is submitted to a reinterpretation through Lacan’s ‘transference’; and the reconstruction of the Chilean Socialist Party between 1973 and 1990, which is reinterpreted through Lacanian conceptualisations of ‘desire’. In providing fresh interpretations of these constituent processes of the ‘Chilean Miracle’, this paper demonstrates the validity of ‘taking Lacan back in time’ while simultaneously offering new theoretical approaches to understanding the foundations of contemporary capitalism.




Žižek, Lacan, Chile, Neoliberalism, Democratisation

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