Environmental Struggles and Ecological Narratives in the Basque Country: The 20th Century Dialectics of Sustainable Materialism.

Iker Arranz


In this article, I examine the relationship between environment and political consciousness, articulating an argument that links the organic side and the economical level of environmentalist claims, and exposing some of the social movements and political positions that were coined in the Basque Country in the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century. Some of the protests linked to environmental causes in the Basque Country fit with the narratives that give access to the new century and describe the coming concepts in the form of advent with regards to notions like sustainability, organic, energy policies, post-ideologies and even the relationship between food and environment in more recent years. In this direction, environmental movements have succeeded in confusing the materialistic goals of their claims and the very materialism implicit in nature. Thus, I claim that these movements have complied from conservative positions rather than progressist positions. Therefore, there has been an asymmetry with the ideological (non-material) portion of these claims and protests and the truly emancipatory goals of any progressist position. If the drive for sustainability can counter materialist and idealist proposals, we need to find a solution where “sustainable” means organic without the bodily part of the organic term itself.


idealism, materialism, dialectics, environmentalism, nature, cuisine, organic, sustainability

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